Reizei Tamefumi (冷泉為章)

Tamefumi REIZEI (June 9, 1752 - May 10, 1822) was a Kuge (court noble) and Kajin (waka poet) in the late Edo period. His father was Tameyasu REIZEI of the Kami-Reizei family and his mother was a daughter of Sadatane IMAKI. His lawful wife was a daughter of Yoshinobu YOSHIDA. His sons were Tamenori REIZEI and Tsugumitsu MIMURODO, and his daughters were Hatsuko (the wife of Kuninaga KANROJI), Kame (the wife of Nobutake FUSEHARA) and three others (the wives of Kintsugu ANO, Kanefusa MACHIJIRI, and Morokata FUNAHASHI).

Tamefumi was appointed to Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank) on January 27, 1773. Later, he was promoted to Shonii Gon Dainagon (Senior Second Rank, Provisional Chief Councilor of State).

[Original Japanese]